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Endgame Gear OP1w 4K 無線電競滑鼠

顏色 黑色 白色



Introducing the Wireless 4K Polling version of the OP1w

  • The OP1w 4k Wireless Gaming Mouse is the long-awaited high-end wireless version of the OP1 series. While maintaining the same OP1 shape, Endgame Gear has integrated numerous internal enhancements for reduced weight and increased consistency. Equipped with the flawless PixArt PAW3395 sensor, a Nordic MCU, and an included high polling rate dongle, this mouse delivers outstanding performance at up to 4000Hz wireless. Experience super crisp and satisfying clicks with the custom-made and pre-sorted Kailh GX SPDT switches. The updated Hybrid skate design offers two redesigned shapes for customizable glide.  

Built for Competitive Play 

  • While the outer shape remained identical to the famous OP1 shape, the inside was re-designed to achieve a lower overall weight of ~62g while maintaining a robust shell design without holes. The OP1w 4k has been developed by esports veterans for use in competitive play, with top-of-the-line components including PixArt's PAW3395 sensor, the Nordic nRF52840 wireless MCU, and Endgame Gear's exclusive Kailh GX SPDT switches with GX Mode compatibility.

Wireless Polling Rate of up to 4000Hz 

  • To achieve the best performance possible, OP1w 4k is powered by the Nordic nRF52840 wireless MCU. The 4k dongle utilizes a Nordic nRF52820 to guarantee stable and reliable wireless data transmissions. Additionally, a Nuvoton M483 MCU is used for the high-speed USB connection, enabling high wireless polling rates of up to 4000Hz for incredibly low sensor and click latency. The 4k dongle is included with the mouse for ideal performance straight out of the box.

Swappable Main Button Switches with Optional Switch Packs 

  • What makes a mouse click great? Ask this question to 10 people and get 11 different answers. Everyone has their own preferences and sometimes we just want to use what nobody else is using. While the Kailh GX is a switch with a very good combination of short internal travel, crisp actuation point and spammability, you may still want to try your favourite switch. All OP1 mice have a swappable main button switch design with accessible screws at the bottom plate. This allows for effortless customization, giving you the perfect click feel tailored to your liking. Choose from a variety of switch packs offering different click sensations, and follow our simple step-by-step guide to replace the switches. With the universal switch pack, you can use any mechanical switch you can find, solder-free. 

Industry-Leading Click Latency

Gaming Mouse XM2w 4k Industry-Leading Click Latency

  • The OP1w 4k sets a new standard for wireless performance with click latency measuring an average below 310 microseconds*. With a constant 4000 Hz polling rate for the clicks, you’ll experience ultra-low click latency, no matter which sensor polling rate you choose. This exceptional responsiveness ensures your every click is registered instantly, giving you a competitive edge and winning you the deciding duels.
  • *10.000 clicks on XLAT v.1.4.0

PixArt 3395 Sensor

  • The OP1w 4k's responsiveness significantly improves by implementing the PixArt PAW3395 featuring a higher resolution pixel array and up to 26000 CPI, Lift-Off-Distance as low as 1mm, and up to 650 IPS for best accuracy during the fastest of swipes. The PAW3395 also offers sensor-level MotionSync for consistent and synced reports. With all smoothing and angle-snapping disabled, the tracking data from the sensor is as raw as it can be. Power-saving features are completely disabled (corded mode) squeezing every last bit of performance out of the OP1w 4k.

Kailh GX Switches developed by Endgame Gear

  • Designed for lightning-fast precision at all polling rates, the mechanical Kailh GX switches guarantee you won't miss a crucial click. Their SPDT configuration ensures optimal electrical contact and unmatched reliability. Featuring both top and bottom contacts, Kailh GX Switches excel whether you prefer low click latency in GX Speed Mode or security in GX Safe Mode. What sets them apart is their crisp, defined click sensation, offering tactile feedback for enhanced gaming control. Precise actuation and a balanced design ensure flawless, spam-friendly rapid-fire actions.

Hybrid Skate Design

  • The OP1w 4k comes with two sets of PTFE skates (large & small) and a sensor skate. Thanks to a hybrid design bottom shell, it's possible to easily install either large or small skates with the smaller skates fitted by default. The larger area offers added flexibility when customizing the OP1w 4k's glide and re-using already purchased skates. The sensor skate is optional but recommended on softer surfaces.


  • Mouse Specifications
  • Skates    Hybrid Skate Design
  • Skates note    small skates pre-installed, large skates included
  • Microcontroller    Nordic nRF52840
  • Colours
  • Colour variants
  • Black, White, Dark Frost, White Frost
  • Sensor
  • Sensor Type    optical
  • Sensor Model    Pixart PAW 3395
  • DPI adjustable    Yes
  • Min. DPI    50 DPI
  • Max. DPI    26000 DPI
  • DPI note    steps of 50 CPI; pre-defined: 400, 800 (default), 1600, 3200
  • Lift Off Distance (LoT)    1 mm
  • Lift off distance note    2 mm via software
  • Acceleration    50 G
  • Max. Tracking Speed    650 IPS
  • Ergonomics
  • Mouse layout    right-handed
  • Supported Grip Types    Claw Grip
  • Product Series
  • Product Series/Family    OP1
  • Standards / Specifications
  • Polling Rate    4000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 1000 Hz
  • Polling Rate note    4000Hz by default
  • Battery
  • Battery Capacity    335 mAh
  • Max. Battery Lifetime    7 d
  • Dimensions
  • Length / Depth    122 mm
  • Width    66 mm
  • Height    38 mm
  • Weight    62 g
  • Connectivity
  • Wired / Wireless    Wired, Wireless
  • Connection Type    USB Typ A, 2.4 Ghz Wireless
  • Connection type note    wireless (2.4 GHz, Dongle: USB 2.0 Type A)
  • wired USB Type-A (PC), USB Type-C (Mouse & Dongle)
  • Cable    Black Flex Cord 4.0 Type-C (180cm, USB 2.0 Type A to USB-C)
  • Cable Length    180 cm
  • Lighting
  • Lighting    No
  • Materials
  • Materials Chassis    Plastic
  • Materials Surface    Dry Grip Coating
  • Materials Skates    PTFE
  • Keys
  • Number of Buttons / Keys    7
  • Number of Buttons / Keys Note    5+2 (2x top, 2x side, 1x mouse wheel, 1x CPI on bottom, 1x ON/OFF Switch)
  • Primary Mouse Button Switches (right / left)    pre-sorted Kailh GX switches
  • Switch lifetime    80 million actuations
  • Click Detection    Digital
  • Wheel Encoder    TTC silver (wide)
  • Mouse Wheel Scrolling    2-way
  • Middle Mouse Button Switch    Kailh GM 2.0 switches, pre-sorted (20 million actuations)
  • Side Button Switchtes    Kailh GM 2.0 switches, pre-sorted (20 million actuations)

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