現價:HKD$1980.00 HKD$2380.00 (紅利:396點)
Driver Technology
Audeze's patented planar magnetic driver technology sets the standard for audio clarity and detail. Our Fluxor™ magnet array delivers double the power of other Neodymium headphone drivers, while our Fazor™ waveguides and Uniforce™ voice coils reduce distortion to near zero.
Dual 2.4GHz | Bluetooth Connection
Penrose and Penrose X feature a high performance dual wireless connection. Players can connect to their console or desktop over lossless, low latency 2.4GHz wireless using the included USB dongle. The onboard Bluetooth 5.0 can be paired simultaneously with 2.4GHz wireless, so players can chat from their mobile device without interrupting their gameplay experience.
Broadcast Quality Microphone
Our flexible and detachable broadcast quality boom microphone is specifically engineered for enhanced chat and streaming. With a max SPL of more than 140dB and built-in noise filters that reduce up to 20dB of background sound, players can communicate with greater confidence.
Audeze HQ |Desktop and Mobile Apps
The Audeze HQ apps for Windows, Android (available now) and Mac (coming soon) enable a variety of advanced functionality for the Penrose and Penrose X. Featuring a 10 band graphic EQ interface, sidetone toggling, and real-time voice-to-chat mix for Xbox Series X, Audeze HQ gives gamers unprecedented control over their audio experience.
香港行貨 一年保用
ECT 毅智科技
地址:香港九龍荔枝角永康街63號Global Gateway Tower 8樓 1-9 室
技術支援:(852) 2708 7180
一般查詢:(852) 3188 0767
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