現價:HKD$849.00 (紅利:169點)
Inspired by lipstick color - LOFREE is designed to give you a dazzling look of keyboard. LOFREE DOT Blossom has advanced features like simultaneously pairing to three devices, different backlit options, wireless/wired mode and more.
Typing just like picking up your favorite lipstick colors in your makeup desk.
It features a Lipstick like color palette with aesthetics matching the makeup accessory.
We use ColorStay to strengthen the spraying process making the colors more accurate and long-lasting.
Patent leather pouch is provided with DOT Blossom version,
which infuses vintage elements and edgy style into the design of her chic ootd.
Every keystroke returns a slight click sound, giving you touch feedback with weak bump.
Moreover, there is no conflict among 79 switches to avoid frequent typos.
4 level adjustment of LED White backlight -
available to cater to office environment with different brightness.