- PCI-Express 5.0 x4, NVMe 2.0
Form Factor
Total Capacity
External DDR Cache
Sequential Read speed
Sequential Write speed
- SSD without Heatsink: 80 x 22 x 2.3 mm
- SSD with Heatsink: 92 x 23.5 x 44.7 mm
Please refer to the file to check the heatsink incompatible list
Mean time between failure (MTBF)
Power Consumption (Active)
- Read: <10.5W ; Write: <11W
Power Consumption (Idle)
Temperature (Operating)
Temperature (Storage)
- 1. Limited 5-years or 1400TBW.
- 2. Limited warranty based on 5 years or 1400TBW, whichever comes first. (*TBW is evaluated by JEDEC workload standard. )
*TBW (Terabyte Written): Terabytes Written is the total amount of data that can be written into a SSD before it is likely to fail.
- 3. When the usage of an NVME SSD as indicated by the "Percentage Used" (SMART ID: 05) in SMART page of "GIGABYTE SSD toolbox" reaches 100 means out of warranty. (A new unused product will show the number of 0)
- • Test system configuration: configuration may vary by models, we will choose the latest platform for verification.
- • Performance may vary based on SSD's firmware version and system hardware & configuration. Sequential performance measurements based on CrystalDiskMark and IOmeter 1.1.0.
- • Speeds based on internal testing. Actual performance may vary.
- • 1GB = 1 billion bytes. Actual useable capacity may vary.
- * To keep AORUS Gen5 10000 SSD from overheating, please adopt the motherboard build-in heatsink or Thermal Guard Xtreme heatsink to prevent throttling.
AORUS 系列 顯示器
- 0~12個月內 包≦0 (白) 點以上 或≦5死(黑)點以上, 兩點之間必須超過1.5CM間距+
- 13~36個月內 包≦3 (白) 點以上 或 ≦5死(黑)點以上, 兩點之間必須超過1.5CM間距+
Gigabyte 系列 顯示器
0~36個月內 包≦3死(白) 點以上 或 ≦5死(黑)點以上, 兩點之間必須超過1.5CM間距+
- 由購買日起計,憑2000Fun收據及完整包裝及盒面保用貼紙,保用 3 年。
- 如購買後起計產品出現質量問題,需先拍照發送給CS。CS確定後(不包括人為) 再自攜"有壞部件" 交回 聯強國際 處理(不包括人為損壞)
- 聯強國際青衣客戶服務中心
- 只接受預約登記
- 網上預約系統:https://logistics-syn.surveycake.biz/s/XpG6m
- 地 址:新界青衣長輝路八號橋滙十五樓C室 (請使用L14及L15客運升降機,並需於大堂做登記,可直達客服中心)
- 電 話:(852) 3944-2347 WhatsApp : (852) 5626-9358
- 辦公時間:星期一至五 9:00AM~1:00PM 及 2:00PM~6:00PM (1:00PM- 2:00PM為午膳時間)
- 星期六、日及公眾假期休息
- 為了提供無與倫比的客戶滿意度和產品可靠性,全球領先的電腦品牌技嘉很高興地宣佈為其整個QD OLED遊戲顯示器系列提供更新的3年保固,包括CO49DQ、FO32U2P、FO32U2、FO27Q3、 MO34WQC和MO34WQC2型號。
- 此增強的保固範圍凸顯了技嘉對其尖端遊戲顯示器的耐用性和性能的信心。
- 延長3年保固旨在讓用戶安心並防止潛在的面板圖像殘留問題,確保在較長時間內獲得完美的遊戲和娛樂體驗。
- 技嘉不僅致力於為客戶提供最先進的技術,還提供強大的支援和服務。